Etymoleon - Word History, the etymology podcast.
Word History is a weekly 15 minute etymology podcast by Etymoleon, dedicated to uncovering the history behind words and names. Each episode unveils the journey of words and their connections to various languages such as Old English, Ancient Greek, Latin, Old French, Proto-Germanic and many more. Episodes also highlight historical events related to the topic and terms explored.
New episodes every Sunday.
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Etymoleon - Word History, the etymology podcast.
48. Pharmaceuticals
This episode uncovers etymology related to the pharmaceutical industry. Learn how Ozempic and Tylenol got their names, as well as pharmaceutical giants like Roche and Pfizer. Pfizer, for instance, is an occupational surname rooted in a Latin word meaning "baker". Find out how a male enhancement drug might be named after a Sanskrit word meaning "tiger" or designed to evoke the word "vigour". Additionally, we trace the word "placebo" back to a Latin word meaning "to please" and look at the origins of terms like "mongering", "gouging" and "lobbying".