Etymoleon - Word History, the etymology podcast.
Word History is a weekly 15 minute etymology podcast by Etymoleon, dedicated to uncovering the history behind words and names. Each episode unveils the journey of words and their connections to various languages such as Old English, Ancient Greek, Latin, Old French, Proto-Germanic and many more. Episodes also highlight historical events related to the topic and terms explored.
New episodes every Sunday.
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Etymoleon - Word History, the etymology podcast.
59. Death
In this episode, we dig deep into the grave origins of words related to death. The term eulogy comes from ancient Greek and etymologically translates to 'good words' while euthanasia means 'good death'. An executor ensures that the wishes in a will are fulfilled, deriving from a Latin word meaning 'to follow', which also gives us the word sequence. Discover the surprising connection between cemetery and coma, and learn what popularised the idea of a bucket list.