Etymoleon - Word History, the etymology podcast.
Word History is a weekly 15 minute etymology podcast by Etymoleon, dedicated to uncovering the history behind words and names. Each episode unveils the journey of words and their connections to various languages such as Old English, Ancient Greek, Latin, Old French, Proto-Germanic and many more. Episodes also highlight historical events related to the topic and terms explored.
Earlier episodes were just the beginning, start with later episodes for the best takes on word, name and historical origins.
New episodes every Sunday.
If you like etymology try Derivety, a daily word game by Etymoleon. Can you guess the word from the meaning of its origin? Play now at https://derivety.com.
Get in touch with Etymoleon at https://etymoleon.com.
Etymoleon - Word History, the etymology podcast.
69. Pigs
This episode goes whole hog into the language of pigs, exploring the origins of terms like hog, farrow, shoat and boar. Discover why a gilt isn't just a government bond, and how an old word for the back of the knee gave us ham. Another pork-based joint traces its name to the French word for leg. Learn about the mix-up that sparked rumours of hot dogs containing canine meat, the difference between British and American pigs in blankets and how the Latin word scrofa, meaning pig, inspired the name of a disease.